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Video And Audio Projects

NWTC Student Radio Ad 1

This was my first ever self made advertisement for the NWTC radio station. It's a rough start, and is more on the comedic side, but i'm just happy that I started in the first place. 

NWTC Student Radio Ad 2

Made along side with my first advertisement, this one I wanted to a try a more modern ad approach and follow a more "stereotypical" ad to test how I would do without the use of comedy. I'd say it came out well, but there is still much to learn. 

A Sampling Of Childhood

This video was made for a project showing off my newly gained editing skills in the beginner Videography class. As one of my first self filmed and edited videos I'd say I think it's pretty neat. Working with my friend Sean Nelson from Berklee College of Music, on Instagram, we spent an entire day chilling at the park and recording a short music video for fun. I thought it was a great experience because the best videos are made when every one is having fun. 

Pool Time

This video was made for the purpose of making a short story. In our class we were told to make a 1-2 minute short that told a story of sorts. I took this as a challenge because I liked more long drawn out media and I never really liked a short story when there can always be more to tell. Nonetheless I had fun with this session because it came to me when I was playing pool with my friends and we just recorded it on the spot. No script, no preplanning, just grab and go. I'd say it was a fun and a good learning experience on how to work on the fly. 

A Glimpse Of Hmong Culture

My life is filled with people who haven't told their stories. The Hmong people are a group who were not known around America until Sunisa Lee won a gold medal for America in the sport of gymnastics. I was prompted in my class to create a story about my family, so I chose the story of my grandfather. My mother told me that no one would care about a story about Hmong refugees, but I want to change that in the world. I want to give the Hmong people a voice...

Ace Hardware Kimpsmas Ad

This Ad is very special to me because it was my first one. I really liked this one a lot because it was the first time I had to work on the fly and got everything done from beginning to end in the matter of 3 hours. My coworkers and I were having fun through the entire process and I love that I can do what I love while still having fun. 

Ace Hardware Grill Department Ad

The backstory for this one is actually pretty cool. I work at Ace Hardware and they knew I was a student pursuing the a DMT degree. The owner of my Ace Store reached out to me after seeing the first smaller ad and asked me if I wanted to make them an advertisement for extra pay. I agreed to the offer and made this Ad around 4-5 hours from start to finish. The process was pretty fast, but because of my slow laptop it took me around an hour or two to edit and render it all out. I think it went well. Hopefully. 

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